Frequent Indicators in the Northwest that your Shingles are Leaking

Many home buyers are concerned about the condition of their roof and gutters. Leaks might be tough to identify and to patch. Make use of this article to spot the frequently seen signs of roof leaks.

  • Shingle damage: You can patch roofing leaks due to missing, shattered, or brittle shingles.
  • Extreme weather impact: Heavy rains can best the most resilient shingles! You can observe blown off shingles, and issues stemming from falling tree limbs.
  • Hail damage: Even small hailstones can tear holes in your roofing shingles. If you witness hail damage to your roofing, have the roof inspected
  • Extreme wind repair: When the wind accelerates, your roof might suffer damage.  Be sure to inspect it regularly after windstorms.
  • Poor installation work. Replacing shingles, insulation, and flashing around penetrating objects in your roof like drain pipes and exhaust ports is complicated. In the event the previous work was bungled the first time, your leaking roof might be the result.
Your roof is important to the overall health of your home, so be sure to check it frequently for damage.